Why Mala Has the Best Flats for Walking

Mala was launched from our apartment in Brooklyn, New York. If you’ve ever visited New York City, you know how much people walk here. A big part of why we started Mala is we couldn’t find the right flats to wear around this wonderful city. Everything that was available either wasn’t comfortable enough all day, lacked the right style to wear at work or around the city, wasn’t made with quality materials or was way overpriced.

Since being able to handle the demands of a daily commute that involves lots of walking was a big driver of our research, design and testing process, we want to share the specific traits that make Mala’s shoes the best flats for walking:

Mala’s Flats Are Comfortable Enough to Wear All Day

Commuting and working 8+ hours a day is already hard enough. The last thing you want on top of everything you have to get done during the day is to feel pain in your feet because your shoes are squeezing, pinching or not supporting them. Avoiding those problems is why we make our flats from 100% leather.

Being fully handcrafted from leather allows our flats to adjust to the unique nuances of the shape of your feet. It also makes Mala’s flats very breathable. Instead of feeling sweaty inside of your shoes, your feet will stay dry and cool. Additionally, the leather soles on our flats provide great support and durability. The combination of all these elements is why our flats are incredibly comfortable to wear while walking anywhere (including trips and vacations).

You’ll Look Great Wherever You Go in a Pair of Mala Flats

Part of our decision to start Mala came from our refusal to compromise between cuteness and comfort. We wanted flats that looked just as good as they felt. By going with a full leather construction, we were able to accomplish that goal. Our classic style in black, red and nude is easy to dress up or down. And because it’s very easy to clean women’s leather shoes, your flats will continue to look amazing regardless of how much you walk in them.

The Best Flats for Walking Are Available at a Great Price

There are multiple reasons why cheap leather shoes simply aren’t worth buying. That being said, Mala has never bought into the belief that quality fashion has to cost a fortune. Instead, we encourage women to shop smart. That’s why we’re proud to sell our high-quality, 100% leather flats for under $100. Buying a pair of our handcrafted leather flats will allow you to truly feel great walking wherever life takes you!